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Where do I get supplies for the classes?When you register for an in-person class, your child will receive a supply kit on the first day of class. When you register for a Virtual Studio Bundle, an art kit will be shipped to you with everything your child will need except the water and paper towels.
How do we get to the virtual classes?This is the best part! We've developed a system that allows you (or your child- indpendence!) to simply scan a QR code on the kit and go straight to the recordings. For the tutorial sessions with the instructor, parents are responsible for scheduling through our website. They will also be responsible for making sure their child has access to the live session. For the Open Studio sessions on Zoom you will get a special link.
Should I supervise my kid while he/she is participating?While this experience will certainly engage your child's attention, please remember that we are remote. As such, the expectation is for at least one adult to be in close proximity to the child while he/she is participating in class. Because the child will be engaged with the lesson and interacting with friends, the adult will have the ability to work as needed during the class.
What if siblings want to join in but they are not registered?Siblings are welcome to join in the fun as long as they understand that they will not receive direct instruction if they have not been registered for the class. In this instance, we happily encourage them to wave to the other kids in the class from the background. We offer a discounted sibling rate of $15.
Is it safe for my kid to be in this video conference?We strive to create an environment based on respect, independence, creativity and FUN. The videoconferencing platfrom we use offers "breakout rooms" that we will use in case of any behavioral issues or otherwise. This feature allows us to immediately redirect the virtual gathering to another room if something were to come up. We have made thoughtful choices about the measures put in place to protect participants as well as the personal data on whatever device they use for the class.
I don't want my child to have more screentime but in-person isn't possible for us.At the core of Artopiatogo's mission is serving the developmental needs of children, so we would agree that there is a need for parents and caregivers to be thoughtful about their children's use of any device with a screen. Whether or not we like it, the reality is that screens are a very real and central aspect of human experience in most communities. We at Artopiatogo see our Virtual Studio Bundle experience as an opportunity to help children develop healthy attitudes and habits surrounding technology. The three-tiered learning experience has been carefully developed with the child's needs in mind. 1. On demand instruction allows children to feel comfortable learning at a pace that works for them. Too many times children miss something the teacher says. Children may not feel comfortable asking the teacher to repeat and to clarify. With our on-demand videos, the quality of the learning experience is not compromised by the pace of instruction that you find in a live class. The motivated and interested child can always rewind, turn up the volume, or pause to better process the material. 2. Committed to ensuring the best learning experience, our kits include free access to one-on-one virtual tutoring with the instructor. When you purchase a Virtual Studio Bundle, you have the option to schedule two FREE 30-minute sessions with the instructor to work with your child. Have friends whose kids are also doing the Virtual Studio? You can bundle together for an hour! 3. Weekly Virtual Open Studio with Mrs. Megan to meet with friends, discuss what you're learning and what you've made, and ask any questions. It's always a fun time and a great way for your child to practice social skills and sharing their work with others.
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